A slightly edited version of the following letter appeared in the June 14, 2007 edition of the Herald:
I have advocated converting the Pen-Hi gym and auditorium into community use facilities so I was disappointed when I heard of city council’s decision not pursue the opportunity. I could not attend the council meeting at which the decision was made due to travel, but I assumed that the outcome was the result of sound judgment and careful consideration of the facts. I was ready to admit that we had lost the battle and relieved to be done with the whole matter. But then I watched the archived video of council’s June 4th deliberations. The question I am now asking is whether a decision based on transparently shaky logic and a sometimes comical misapprehension of the facts actually resolves anything? The more I review the arguments used to justify the demolition of the gym and auditorium, the more I am convinced that council’s decision is not merely bad, it is incoherent. My objective in writing this letter (and any sequels) is to convince anyone who will listen that something is broken.The gym/auditorium issue has many facets, but the most important justification for demolishing the buildings is that the city will soon have a new performing arts facility. Little information about the proposed facility has been made public (despite the fact that will be paid for with taxpayers’ money) but the basic idea is that it will cost roughly $30M and require funding from federal, provincial, municipal, and perhaps even private sources. Proponents of the facility and several members of council, including the mayor, are confident that the funding will be in place and the curtain will rise in the new facility within 24-36 months. But, given that some of these folks have already demonstrated the ability to be both confident and wrong at the same time (more about this in a future letter), it is worth drawing our own conclusions about the inevitability of funding. Let’s consider the potential sources:
- Federal: Conservatives have a doctrinal aversion to spending taxpayers' money on the arts. However, given their minority status, the Conservatives might be willing to fund some projects in an attempt to secure a majority. The problem is that Stockwell Day received more votes than the other three candidates combined in the 2006 election and has since been promoted to cabinet. His seat is one of the safest in Canada. Why then would scarce federal funding come here when it can be used in Ontario or Quebec to make a difference?
- Provincial: Messers Barisoff and Thorpe can join Mr. Day in the Safe Seat Club, having already delivered a whopping $50M contribution to the SOEC. So why would the provincial Liberals, who are facing increasing financial pressure from Olympic overruns, set an unsustainable precedent by giving a small city in a safe riding even more money?
- Municipal: Proponents of a new performing arts facility like to point to a series of studies and plans commissioned over the last couple of decades. Unfortunately, those documents became ancient history the moment the city agreed to underwrite the $17M cost overrun of the SOEC. In addition, new surprises might be in store once the SOEC is complete. Although a real business plan for the SOEC was never made public, it is clear the city expects the facility to turn a profit. But as communities such as Cranbrook and Youngstown, OH, have discovered, the revenue projections used to justify the construction of such facilities may bear little relation to actual revenues. Under the terms of its contract with its private sector partner, the City of Penticton bears almost all of the risk of operating losses, which may be significant. Making commitments to other major capital projects before the city’s true liabilities can be estimated with any precision strikes me as reckless.
- Private investors: Both Mayor Kimberley and Larry Little, the chair of School District 67, have argued in favor of the destruction of Pen-Hi’s auditorium by pointing out that building is seldom used. Others have responded that the district’s restrictive booking policies (e.g., no setup until the end of the school day) are the culprit and that events would be easier to book if the auditorium were under community control. Either way, an unused auditorium is hardly a ringing endorsement of the financial viability of an expensive replacement. More recently, the mayor has floated the possibility of using condominium development to cross-subsidize the provision of a new performing arts facility. No information on this idea has been forthcoming so it is hard to comment on its merits. However, given the city’s lack of success in getting developers to do simple things, like build on the vacant Three Gables site or invest in a supermarket in the downtown core, it is not clear how the city is going to convince a developer to underwrite an expensive money-losing auditorium.
Unfortunately, the city has confused knocking over its backup facility (“Getting on with it”, seems to be the dominant slogan) and rational first steps. The prevailing theory seems to be that the $1.5M required to save the gym and auditorium should be spent to buy the land for the new performing arts facility. But $1.5M (which also buys us a large, much needed gymnasium) is a mere 5% of the cost of a new facility. It is like council saying it cannot afford travel insurance because it needs the money for airfare. My response is that, if it cannot afford insurance, it should not be traveling at all. Unfortunately, most councilors are unmoved by risk mitigation strategies or conventional logic. Instead, they seem to be most interested in facile slogans. As a conclusion then, let me offer some proven winners: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Look before you leap.
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